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Practice Policies


You are responsible for attending each appointment and agree to adhere to the following policy: If you cannot keep the scheduled appointment, you MUST notify our office to cancel or reschedule the appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time. The first no-show/late cancellation will be waived. The second no-show/late cancellation will result in a $75.00 fee to reschedule an appointment. If you cancel or reschedule more than once, we may re-evaluate your needs, desires, and motivations for treatment at this time.



We are in-network with some insurance plans and are in the application process for other major insurances​. 

Co-payments, coinsurances, and deductibles are expected before your visit with the provider.  In the event that your insurance is "out-of-network, we will provide a detailed receipt, called a “superbill” which can be submitted to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. Please consult with your insurance company for any questions prior to your visit.


Controlled Substances:

Controlled substances are prescribed sparingly in this practice in an effort to keep you safe.  They are also highly regulated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).  My prescribing of such medications is monitored, and providers are held accountable for prescribing practices. State laws require that additional measures be taken when prescribing controlled substances.  We want our clients to know how seriously we take the prescribing of these types of medications.  


It is the expectation of this practice that the controlled medication will be taken as prescribed and not self-adjusted.  This means you will not increase or decrease your dose or stop taking it without talking to your prescribing provider.  

Self-adjusting controlled substances will be considered non-compliance. This type of non-compliance will result in discharge from our practice, as it places a huge liability on our ability to safely manage your care.


CONTROLLED MEDICATIONS WILL NOT BE REFILLED EARLY.  It is your responsibility to take them only as prescribed.  Insurances will also not pay for them to be filled early.  Please do not call the office asking for them to be refilled early.


CONTROLLED MEDICATIONS WILL NOT BE REPLACED.  It is your responsibility to make sure that your medication is kept in a secure place to prevent loss or theft.  If you report to our office that your controlled medication(s) has been lost, misplaced, or stolen, it will not be replaced.


Disability Forms Policy:

  • The client must have been a client of this office for at least 6 months for long-term disability or SSI forms to be completed.  We are happy to provide your medical records, but we will not make the determination if you qualify for long-term disability.

  • A client must have completed two visits for short term or FMLA forms to be completed. 

  • Paperwork can take up to 14 days for completion.  It may be completed earlier, but it is done on a first come first served basis.  Please understand it is difficult to rush this process due to the limited staff available to complete these forms.

  • Clients must be compliant with on-going treatment including medications and keeping appointments to have the office to continue filling out disability forms.

  • Clients must have seen the provider within the last 30 days to submit disability paperwork.

  • Blank forms will not be accepted:  At a minimum the client’s name and date of birth should be filled out on the form prior to submission.

  • There is a charge to fill out these forms:  $50- $150 depending on length of form is due before the form is returned to the client.


PHONE CONTACTS AND EMERGENCIES: Office hours are from Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm CST


If you need to contact the clinician for any reason during these hours, please text or call 901- (901) 602-2935, leave a voicemail, and a return call will be made as soon as possible. In case of an emergency, you can access emergency assistance by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime, about any type of crisis. Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via a medium people already use and trust. If either you or someone else is in danger of being harmed, dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


Dismissal from Practice: We reserve the right to dismiss any patient from the practice for any of the following reasons:​

​Each individual's situation is different, and dismissal from the practice is reserved as a last resort.  Whether or not to dismiss a patient is at the provider's discretion. 

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